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Low Back Pain & Sciatica

There are three common causes of low back pain and sciatica that we see daily.  Check out these common causes of low back pain and sciatica to see if this is what you are experiencing:

  1. Herniated Disc:  Lumbar disc problems are common in people 40 years of age or younger.  You will experience increased pain with sitting and bending forward but feel relief with walking and leaning backwards.  Disc problems usually cause pain down one leg that can be sharp pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness (sciatica symptoms).

  2. Stenosis/Degeneration/Arthritis:  Patients, with 50 or more birthday candles on their cake, are more likely to experience low back pain caused by degeneration or arthritis.  If you have increased pain with prolonged walking or standing, you mostly likely fall into this group.  When you are hurting, sitting for just a few minutes will decrease your pain.

  3. SI Joint Pain:  Patients can range from teenagers to geriatrics.  Patient will experience pain with prolonged sitting and getting out of chairs.  Patient usually use one finger to point to the “spot” where it hurts.  When you get up and move around, pain will usually decrease.  SI joint pain is a common source of pain for women during and following pregnancy.

Active Physical Therapy, in Omaha, Nebraska, has specialized training in the treatment of low back pain and sciatica.   We help get you the pain-relief you need to get back to normal without using medications, injections, or surgeries. 

Common Diagnoses We Treat

  • Lumbar Arthritis, Stenosis, Degeneration, Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Lumbar Disc Bulge, Herniation, Rupture, Displacement

  • Lumbar Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylitis

  • Lumbar Radiculopathy (arm pain, weakness, numbness and tingling)

  • Lumbar Facet Joint Dysfunction

  • Lumbar Muscle Spasms, Strains, Sprain following car or work accidents

  • Mechanical Low Back Pain (no damage on x-rays or MRIs, but you still hurt)

  • SI Joint Dysfunction (pelvic pain, tailbone pain, pelvic obliquity)

  • Pre and Post Lumbar Surgery (discectomy, laminectomy, fusion, disc replacement)

Are you ready to be ACTIVE and get BACK to normal? 

Call us at 402-932-2888 to set up a consultation at one of our two Omaha, NE locations.


Interested in Physical Therapy for your back?

Nicholas Muchowicz & Erik Gapp @

120th and Miracle Hills:

11810 Nicholas Street, Suite 103

Omaha, NE 68154

© 2019 Active Spine Physical Therapy, LLC

To Schedule An Appointment

Call 402.932.2888

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Jay Herman @

79th and Dodge:

7919 Wakeley Plaza

Omaha, NE 68114

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